Chauncey Locklear joined the Fort Flagler staff in May to fill the open maintenance mechanic position. What a great addition he is! Chauncey has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he brings to the table. He was the founder and lead mechanic of The ReCyclery in Port Townsend, a non-profit cycling organization, and the co-founder and operator of Papas’ Small Engine Repair & Sales.
In Chauncey’s words, “I am completely re-configuring and modernizing the repair and service department at Fort Flagler to better serve our staff and volunteers. I am excited to offer broader services to help save the Fort money, while also cutting down repair times and improving the quality of service performed on vehicles and equipment.”
To supplement the limited budget that the Parks Department has to properly outfit the Fort’s service shop, Chauncey is looking for donations of tools and other things in order to increase efficiency, productivity, and safety. You can check out the Fort’s service shop wish-list (see below downloads) along with instructions about how to get in contact with Chauncey about making a tax-deductible donation through FoFF.
For any and all donations, please contact Chauncey Locklear
at 360-643-0734 (text preferred), or by email
While specific tools are included in the list below (available in spreadsheet, and PDF) it can be supplemented with an equivalent brand or model. Thank you for your help.
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